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Hans-Christian Günther (ed.) Music for our Times


182 Seiten, gebunden


This volume is dedicated to the distinguished composer and pianist Christophe Sirodeau on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday. It contains essays by Étienne Barilier, Nicolo-Alexander Figowy, Ingrid Fritsch, Carlo Grante, Wilfried Gruhn, Hans-Christian Günther, Günter Schnitzler, Boris Yoffe and Anna Zassimova.

Hans-Christian Günther is associate professor for classics at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. Beside numerous works on Greek and Latin philosophy and literature he also writes on moden philosophy, art, music and literature.

Hans-Christian Günther (ed.) Music for our Times

Artikelnummer: ISBN 978-3-95948-480-0
30,00 €Preis
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