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Friederike Schmiga-Unnatural and Unconventional Liaisons in English Renaissance

Friederike Schmiga

Unnatural and Unconventional Liaisons
in English Renaissance Drama

The Duchess of Malfi, Women Beware Women
and ’Tis a Pity She’s a Whore

Band 7 aus der Reihe Poetry, Music and Art


ISBN 978-3-88309-980-4
199 Seiten, gebunden


Friederike Schmiga studied English literature, linguistics and philosophy at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg and the University of Edinburgh. Her academic interests include the history of medieval philosophy and English Renaissance literature. She is currently doing research at the Università degli Studi di Bari and the KU Leuven with a doctoral project on the notion of intellectual curiosity in Augustine and its transformation in the thirteenth century.

Friederike Schmiga-Unnatural and Unconventional Liaisons in English Renaissance

Artikelnummer: ISBN 978-3-88309-980-4
35,00 €Preis
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