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E-Book/ Hans-Christian Günther (ed.), Music for our Times, Band 18 der Schriften

182 Seiten, ebook


Hans-Christian Günther (ed.), Music for our Times,

Band 18 der Schriftenreihe: Poetry, Music and Art





aus dem Klappentext:

This volume is dedicated to the distinguished composer and pianist Christophe Sirodeau on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday. It contains essays by Étienne Barilier, Nicolo-Alexander Figowy, Ingrid Fritsch, Carlo Grante, Wilfried Gruhn, Hans-Christian Günther, Günter Schnitzler, Boris Yoffe and Anna Zassimova.


E-Book/ Hans-Christian Günther (ed.), Music for our Times, Band 18 der Schriften

Artikelnummer: ISBN 978-3-95948-764-1_ebook
26,00 €Preis
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