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E-Book Elisabeth Blum - Perspectives on Giordano Bruno

Elisabeth Blum

Perspectives on Giordano Bruno

Studia Classica et Mediaevalia, Band 23

ISBN 978-3-95948-961-4

175 Seiten, ebook

This is a collection of essays on various aspects of Giordano Bruno’s philosophy. After a general introduction into his thought, his Spaccio de la bestia trionfante is most prominent. Bruno’s style and language, and his views on languages are a recurrent topic on these pages. For him, Truth itself is transcendent and unattainable in its fullness. Therefore, all knowledge “around” it is a construct that requires to be embodied and expressed in a certain medium, a language, mathematics being just one among many possible and suitable choices.


Elisabeth Blum teaches philosophy at Loyola University Maryland in Baltimore. Among other publications, she translated Bruno's Spaccio into German.

E-Book Elisabeth Blum - Perspectives on Giordano Bruno

SKU: ISBN 978-3-95948-961-4_ebook
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