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E-Book Das Denken Martin Heideggers III 1 - Heidegger and Kant, Frank Schalow

Hans-Christian Günther (Hrsg.)
Das Denken Martin Heideggers III 1
Heidegger and Kant Frank Schalow


120 Seiten, ebook



I. Brief Author’s Biography

Frank Schalow is University Research Professor of Philosophy at the University of New Orleans and co-editor of Heidegger Studies. He has written several books on Martin Heidegger’s philosophy, including The Renewal of the Heidegger-Kant Dialogue: Action, Thought, and Responsibility (1992), Departures: At the Crossroads between Heidegger and Kant (2013), and, most recently, Heidegger’s Ecological Turn: Community and Practice for Future Generations (2021).


II. Brief Summary of the Book

Heidegger and Kant explores the Auseinandersetzung between these two great thinkers on various levels, including the finitude of human knowledge, moral action and responsibility, and the interdependence between language and art. It is shown that Heidegger’s attempt to uncover and appropriate what is “unthought” in Kant’s thinking extends across the entire Critical philosophy. Conversely, this task of “destructive-retrieval” has implications for transforming Heidegger’s ontological project, which comes to light to two of his pivotal books after Being and Time, specifically, Contributions to Philosophy (From Enowning) and Mindfulness.

E-Book Das Denken Martin Heideggers III 1 - Heidegger and Kant, Frank Schalow

Artikelnummer: ISBN 978-3-95948-990-4_ebook
24,00 €Preis
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