Ali Asghar Mosleh (ed.)
Convergence and Divergence:
An Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue
East and West. Philosophy, ethics, politics and human rights, Volume 10
About the book:
The book contains 18 articles concerning the central issue of convergence. The authors are professors and researchers from European countries and Iran and have mostly dealt with various aspects of the main topic with an intercultural-interreligious approach. Most articles focus on the relationship between Islam and the contemporary world.
About the Editor:
Ali Asghar Mosleh is Professor of Philosophy at Allameh Tabataba`i University in Iran, the Head of Iranian Association for Intercultural Philosophy and the Research Institute Director for Contemporary Culture; Alexander von Humboldt research fellow at the University of Bonn (2004) and visiting researcher at University of Humboldt zu Berlin (2018). He is the author of several books and articles on Intercultural Philosophy, Islamic Sufism, History of Philosophy. His books include: “The Question concerning the Truth of Man”, “The Philosophy of Culture”, “With the Other”, and “Truth and Power”
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