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Information for a book edition

Thank you for your interest in a publication in our publishing house, which has so far published approx. 1500 titles.


We have been present on the Internet since 1996.


Our books are also available as e-books. We expect the works to be even more widely distributed.


We expect the authors to provide a print-ready manuscript as a PDF file, either on a data carrier or attached by e-mail.

Publication is possible for the author by paying a small allowance for printing costs. However, if a new set is necessary or the book is tightly bound, additional costs would apply.


The books are given an ISBN number and are listed in the “Deliverable Books (VLB)” directory. You can register your work with the collecting society Wort (VG Wort).


The books from our publishing program are offered at Amazon, Abebooks, ZVAB, booklooker, Libri, Koch, Neff & Volckmar GmbH and Umbreit and can be ordered from bookstores worldwide. We also offer them in our publishing program, in our online shop and in our publisher's brochures. Several times a year we send the libraries information about our new publications.


Together with the author, we inform the magazines and newspapers that are eligible for a review. However, we will only send review copies upon request.

Book making, professional and inexpensive.
Simply contact us by email or phone !
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