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This work is the focus of our publishing house, both as a book and as an online edition. It is constantly being worked on.

We are looking for committed scholarly authors to create articles that can be published in the new print edition and the online database of the Biographical-Bibliographical Church Lexicon. You are probably familiar with this world's largest church encyclopedia from your academic work and / or your studies.
Only with the cooperation of many authors can we provide universities, libraries and our subscribers with up-to-date and well-researched information at all times; As a staff member, it is your job to introduce relevant theological personalities and to summarize their lives and work in an article for the lexicon. The bibliographical information in which the works and secondary literature are listed are also particularly important. New references can be added to articles that have already been published.

... that's exactly what we need you for!

Support us in our work on the church lexicon!

Book making, professional and inexpensive.
Simply contact us by email or phone !
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