Psychotherapy Yearbook
Narzissmen der hinterlistigen Vernunft
The ›International Journal for PsychoPraxis‹ provides annual information through expert interviews, case studies, research and practical reports on the latest fields of application and methods of contextual psychotherapy. It includes solution-oriented consulting areas as well as training and coaching. The journal presents systemic approaches, analyzes problem systems, examines relationship constellations and connects theory with practice. Numerous instructions and examples open up diverse access to the bio-psycho-social dimension of the fields of psychotherapy. Approaches from corona psychology are also presented and analyzed, which give people the opportunity to strengthen their social relationship and to shape their everyday life confidently and with perspective.
Zum Autor:
Messina, Antonio, ist Maurer- und Betonbaumeister. Zu Messinas beruflichen Spezialfertigkeiten des Hochbausystems zählen die Gestaltung von Außenanlagen, aufwendigen Treppen- und Betondeckenkonstruktionen sowie Kaminbau und das kunstvolle Verlegen von Verbundsteinen. Die kulturwissenschaftlichen Interes-senbereiche Messinas umfassen die Ätiologie politischer wie wirtschaftlicher Fehlfunktionen.